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Marksburg – Never destroyed, yet lost to debt

Unlike other castles the Marksburg was never destroyed. No wonder! Three gates protect the way in. If you make it over the draw-bridge, you still have to get through the red “foxgate”. And at the “Schartentor” you might get hit by stones and arrows. Looking for another challenge? Try climbing the steep stairs of the Reitertreppe (“Riders’ Staircase”). But keep in mind: The journey is the reward.

Stroll through 800 years of history

Because at Marksburg Castle you can stroll through 800 years of history. And learn how to defend a medieval castle.

Many owners

Today the Marksburg belongs to the German Castles Association. But it has seen many owners over time. Why? A good defense is not everything. Particularly when the money runs out. Gottfried III. of Eppstein had to learn this the hard way. He once was the lord of this castle.

But his military campaigns were too expensive. He fought against the archbishop of Mainz and the king-to-be Adolf of Nassau. And ran into debt. Gottfried had to sell the Marksburg to Count Eberhard II. of Katzenelnbogen.

Today you can immerse yourself in medieval life at the Marksburg. Well worth a visit are the castle’s kitchen, the knight’s hall or the chapel and the herb garden. You can discover more about the Marksburg here