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Worms Jewish quarter – From Medieval to the Modern Age

The jewish quarter of Worms is a unique place. It is part of the SchUM-cities and used to be known as the “Jerusalem on the Rhine”. Scholars from all over the world came to study here in medieval times. Today you can follow in their tracks. Because in the Jewish Quarter you can see for youself what life was like for the jewish community during the Middle Ages.

The Jewish community in the Middle Ages

Tightly packed in one spot the buildings illustrate what was important. The religious community gathered in the Synagogue, the women met in the adjacent “Frauenschul”. It was the place to attend service and debate. The Mikve was the ritual bath. You will find similar structures in Speyer’s Jewish Courtyard. Scholars studied and taught the Talmud in the Yeshiva, the school building. Legal matters were discussed in the fore-court of the synagogue. Rabbi Salomo ben Isaak from Troyes was the most famous scholar from Worms. He was also known as Raschi. Today the sculpture in front of the synagogue and the Raschi-House bear his name. The Jewish Cemetery Worms was also an important part of community life.

But what did this life look like? And why did a jewish community flourish in Worms? Visit the synagogue of Worms to hear more.

New permanent exhibition in the Raschi-Haus

If you want to learn more about the Jewish Quarter’s rich history, visit the Museum in the Raschi House. The exhibition  “SchUM on the Rhine – From the Middle Ages to the Modern Era” tells the tale of the remarkable jewish culture that originated in the SchUM-cities and lives on today.

Jewish Quarter Worms

Hintere Judengasse 6

67547 Worms

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Worms synagogue - The lesser sanctuary – A new start on the Rhine

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