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Bertradaburg – What a castle can tell us about power

Allegedly this castle, the Bertradaburg, was built in the 8th century. And allegedly it is the birthplace of Charlemagne. But what do we know for sure? That there is no proof for many stories people tell about this place. The Bertraburg is a place of legends. And most of those legends are not from the Middle Ages.

But what do we know about this castle? The Bertradaburg sits on a hill on top of Kyll valley. It was built on land that belonged to the powerful Prüm Abbey in the 8th century. That abbey was founded and supported by the family of Charlemagne. But the Betradaburg is only mentioned for the first time in a document from 1339. That’s more than 500 years after the death of Charlemagne!

Built for an Abbey?

This suggests that the castle was probably built in the 13th century. Can you see the gate flanked by two towers on each side? That is a typical emblem of sovereignity in the Middle Ages. The design of the castle is an interesting mix. It combines the square castles of the Hohenstaufen period with the french quadrangular style.

The Bertradaburg came into existence at a time when Prüm Abbey was loosing power. The castle was probably built in an attempt to keep that power. Records reveal an argument between Prüm Abbey and the Diocese of Trier. One document names the archbishop of Trier as the guardian of the castle. It states that after 1339 every abbot in Prüm needed the consent of the archbishop of Trier to get elected. This argument concerning the Bertradaburg highlights a shift in power: Prüm Abbey lost influence, the archbishop of Trier gained it. The Electorate of Trier turned the Bertradaburg into a fortress. Today you can visit the castle and even stay overnight.