Trifels – Legendary Imperial Castle and vault for the imperial insignia

Trifels Castle has been through a lot. It used to be a powerful base for the emperors, mainly during the reign of the Hohenstaufen dynasty. Back then Trifels was an Imperial Castle. That meant it did not belong to a person but to an office: it belonged to the king of the Holy Roman Empire. If one king died the next one took over. Trifels served as a vault for the Imperial Regalia . These signs of the emperor included the Holy Lance, the Imperial Crown or the Imperial Orb. If you wanted to become king you needed them to prove your claim.
Prison and Vault
But not only treasures where kept safe in Trifels. Trifels Castle also served as a prison for many hostages, amongst them Adalbert the Archbishop of Mainz (See more: Marktportal Mainz Cathedral). The english king Richard Lionheart was probably the most famous prisoner here. He was bailed out for the substantial sum of 23 tons of silver. His huge ransom funded the military campaign of Henry IV. to Sicily. Other hostages were less lucky. Nobles from Sicily were blinded in Trifels Castle.
A Place to start a Career/Climbing the Socail Ladder on Trifels Castle
But some people started their ‘career’ in Trifels Castle, like the unfree noble Markward of Annweiler. His rise in rank can be compared to that of the Lords of Bolanden.
Trifels Castle is almost a thousand years old. Time has left its mark. The Castle was constantly rebuilt and changed its look. Beside the Salian and Hohenstaufen dynasty, the National Socialists took an interest in the castle. They wanted to turn Trifels into their own symbol of power.
Exploring Trifels Castle
Today Trifels Castle invites you to engage with its history. In time for the ‘imperial year 2020’ two exhibitions will keep you busy. The Museum in Trifels Castle presents “The mightiest castle of the realm – Castles as pillars of power”. It shows replicas of the Imperial Regalia and papal documents. Additionally the permanent exhibition ”Power and Myth” offers an insight into the people behind Trifels‘ (re-)construction and those who used its imperial appeal.
Exploring the Museum beneath Trifels Castle
And the Museum in Annweiler beneath Trifels Castle presents from January 2021 a manuscript written by the emperor Frederick II. It is called “On The Art of Hunting with Birds” and describes how to use falcons for hunting.
What did a coronation look like in the Middle Ages? You can see depictions of medieval coronations in the grand state exhibition in Mainz “The emperors and the pillars of their power”. Pictures can be found in old manuscripts like in the Frutholf-Ekkehard-Chronicle. It displays the handing over of the Imperial Regalia. Other manuscripts on show that display coronations include the sacramentary of Henry II., the Schaffhausen Pontificial or the anonymous imperial chronicle of Henry V. Imperial Regalia – Imperial Crown (Copy) and Imperial Cross Crown, cross or imperial orb: Many of these symbols of imperial power in the Holy Roman Empire are impressive works of art. Would you like to see some of them with your own eyes? Visit the grand state exhibition in Mainz “The emperors and the pillars of their power”. Medieval treasures and their stories are waiting for you. Amongst them are a copy of the Imperial Crown and the Cross of Adelheid.
Trifels – A safe vault for powerful symbols
No power without help – The rise of the unfree nobles
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Digitaler Ausflug auf die Burg Trifels in Annweiler